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PITHY QUOTE FROM English Letters

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The Mahometans make it a part of their religion to propagate their sect by the sword; but yet still by honourable wars, never by villanous and secret murders.

The Letters and Life of Francis Bacon. Book V, 3, The Charge of Owen, Indicted for High Treason

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English Letters

The English Letters titles feature correspondence, diaries, memoirs and notebooks from Thomas à Becket (b 1118) to I. A. Richards (d 1979), including such luminaries as Bacon, Hobbes, Boyle, Locke, Defoe, Fielding, Sterne, Johnson, the Wordsworths, Coleridge, Austen, Tennyson, the Brontės, George Eliot, Newman, Hardy and Yeats.

The English Letters series is of fundamental importance to scholarship in all the branches of British history, especially literature and philosophy. Authoritative editions from distinguished academic publishers are featured throughout.

As with all Past Masters titles, the English Letters titles reproduce definitive print editions in highest quality electronic form. All of the print apparatus is included and is fully searchable. Fulltext searching may be made within any single volume, across an entire collection, or across all Titles.

Titles within the English Letters series can be purchased individually or in any combination.