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PITHY QUOTE FROM Descartes: Œuvres Complètes

Open quotes
. . . que ce mot philosophie signifie l'étude de la sagesse, et que par la sagesse on n'entend pas seulement la prudence dans les affaires, mais une parfaite connaissance de toutes les choses que l'homme peut savoir. . . .

Œuvres Complètes de René Descartes. Les Principes de la Philosophie de René Descartes, Lettre de l'Auteur

Œuvres Complètes de René Descartes. Electronic Edition. book cover

Œuvres Complètes de René Descartes. Electronic Edition.

ISBN: 978-1-57085-249-7

Language: Latin and French

MARC Records

Portrait of René Descartes. Oil on canvas, by Frans Hals, c. 1649. At the Musée du Louvre

List of Contents

Œuvres Complètes de René Descartes is a complete new edition of the entire philosophical and scientific corpus of Descartes, created by the Connaught Descartes Project at the University of Toronto (headed by André Gombay).

The Connaught Descartes Project wishes to thank for their help the Lessico Intelletuale Europeo (Marta Fattori in particular).

Descartes, René. Œuvres Complètes de René Descartes. Edited by André Gombay, assisted by Calvin Normore, Randal Keen and Rod Watkins. Toronto: Connaught Descartes Project, University of Toronto; Charlottesville: InteLex Corporation, 2001.

The collection includes:

  • All of the finished works, including those published posthumously
  • All drawings, diagrams and schemata
  • All of the correspondence (including letters to him)
  • All of the surviving drafts and fragments
  • The recently discovered abstract of the dissertation of Descartes for his law degree at Poitiers

Individual titles include:

  • Meditationes de Prima Philosophia
  • Objectiones Doctorum Aliquot Virorum in Præcedentes Meditationes Cum Responsionibus Authoris
  • Admodum Reverendo Patri Dinet
  • Méditations Touchant la Première Philosophie
  • Objections Faites par des Personnes Très Doctes Contre les Précédentes Méditations avec les Réponses de l'Auteur
  • Renati Des-cartes Principia Philosophiæ Serenissimæ Principi Elisabethæ
  • Les Principes de la Philosophie de René Descartes
  • Les Passions de l'Ame


The texts are given in their original language, Latin or French. Spellings and scientific symbols have been modernized and, in conformity with current Cartesian scholarship, the page and volume numbers of the standard Adam et Tannery edition (AT) are referenced throughout (Œuvres de Descartes / publiées par Charles Adam et Paul Tannery. Paris: J. Vrin, 1965-1974).

Let me tell you that the members of our faculty are very satisfied of the performances of the 4 databases previously bought [Descartes: Fichte; Hegel; Nietzsche.] I hope we will be able to order soon other similar resources.

—Pascal Jamin
Bibliothèque de Philosophie (Bisp)
Université Catholique de Louvain